Our HC-Camviewer provides quick depiction of any amount of video streams. It's best suitable for camera surveillance.


The latest version of the HC-Camviewer can be downloaded here: HC-Camviewer


Confirm the setup's download in your' browser.

Run the .exe installation file and confirm the installation by clicking "run".

Choose "English" as the installation language for the application.

Check and confirm the installation of HC-Camviewer.

Choose a location for the installation of the application.

Confirm with "next" to display the application grouped with other HomeCockpit applications in the windows start menu.

Choose, whether a desktop icon should be created or not.

Start the installation with the button "install".

Finish the setup by clicking "complete".


Open the context menu by clicking the "wrench and screwdriver" icon, so you can configure the different sections of the HC-Camviewer.

By clicking "General" the popup menu for configuration of the general settings is opened. This menu provides options for items like design, logging, sipphone-config and other helphful tools. A more detailled description of the "General" options menu can be found here.

By clicking the "Camera" button, the menu
for managing camera views opens.

The "Exit" button quits the application.


SIP phone client: Should the HC-Sipphone client be integrated into this app?

Single view:

Max Cam Size: Should cameras be displayed with maximum resolution?

Preview Container Format: Defines format of camera streams

If not active, video stop in: Defines time, after wich all video streams should be stopped on order to save bandwidth.

KNX physical address:

Netzwerk Adapter:

Enable zoom: Should zooming be enabled on video streams?

hold zoom: Should the video stream keep its' zoomed view or return to standard?

Enable hardwareacceleration: Enables hardware acceleration (not supported on all devices)

Enable Button Switch Size: Enable variable butotn size

Manual size / position: Manually defines size and position of the HC-Camviewer.


Backgroundcolor: Defines background color of the camera view

Fontcolor:  Defines text color

Border brush: Set a border color for incoming video streams

Sip state info: Should there be a "status LED" depicted in the bottom left corner of the screen if the SipClient is active?


Only visible, if "SIP Phone Client" is activated in the "General" menu item.

UDP Receiv IPAdress / Port: UDP reception address and port

UDP Send IPAdress / Port: UDP sending address and port

Mute other programs: Mute other applications, when the SIPphon is activated by the voice intercom.

Make snapshot: Should a snapshot of the linked camera be taken, whenever an intercom call is requested by the door station?


By activating the checkmark, every action performed by the camviewer and sipphone will be tracked and logged into this file.


The info panel shows your' individual HC-Camviewer license
and potential updates.

Search: Automatically detect network camreas using ONVIF in the network

Location Name: Displayed camera name

Camera Type: Choose a camery type from the list of presets

IP Address: Network address of the IP camera

User Name / Password: Log-In username and password for camera stream

"+": Add another camera view

←/→: Moves camera stream left / right in layout

Intercom Type: Choose a type of intercom from presets if needed

Number: Enter the internal phone number of the connected door intercom. Whenever this number is called, camera view is switched to this.

Sound: Choose / upload a ringtone (.wav / .mp3)

Make sure to finalize all HC-Camviewer configurations before integrating the Camviewer into the Navigation.
Later changes to the HC-Camviewer are possible by opening the Camviewer serperated from the Navigation.

Open HC-Navigation settings and press "+" in order to create a new
Button in the navigation bar.

Give the button a custom name ("Camviewer" in this example)

For linking the button to the HC-Camviewer, press the
orange higlighted gearwheel in the "App" section.

Now choose "Auto Setting" as highlighted in orange.
Aftwarwards you just need to start the desired application for
integrating it into the navigation bar.

Start the Camviewer when the dialog requests you to.

As soon as the camviewer is started, click the green checkmark
to confirm the data displayed in the popup.

After the application is automatically restarted, the next popup
asks if the application is started correctly.
In this case, there is a small portion of the settings button visible
in the bottom right corner. This is why we pressed the red X
in order to manually adjust the postition of the camviewer.

In the manual configuration menu, open the dropdown
menu of the "more" arrow and type "-noborder" in the
"Argument" text input. This will make sure the camviewer
is started without its' menu button in the bottom right corner.

The additional argument statement "-embedded" enables
the camviewer's UDP functionality.

Confirm the configuration with the green checkmark.

Now that the Camviewer is implemented into the Navigation bar,
you can save all configurations and quit the menu.

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