Our HC-Navigation software provides easy and clear arrangement of your' individual favorite applications in the bottom of the screen. It's intuitive operation lets you switch between views quickly and easily.


Download the lastest version of the HC-Navigation software here: HC-Navigation

Confirm the setup's download in your' browser.

Run the .exe installation file and confirm the installation by clicking "run".

Choose "English" as the installation language for the application.

Check and confirm the installation of HC-Navigation.

Choose a location for the installation of the application.

Bestätigen Sie mit "Weiter", um die Anwendung im Startmenü im Ordner mit anderen Home-Cockpit Programmen aufzuführen.

Choose, whether a desktop icon should be created or not.

Finish the setup by clicking "complete".


This section provides information on how to configure HC-Navigation to fit your' needs.

On startup of the application, click the speaker in the bottom right corner in order to call the context menu for volume, settings and quitting the application.

Klick the gearwheels to open the settings menu.

In the settings menu, press the "Design" menu item to configure all settings considering it's appearance:

Background: Defines background color of the navigation bar in the bottom and additional buttons.

Border Color: Defines the border color of all background areas.

Icon Color: Defines icon color of the user control elements.

Font: Select a font for the application.

Font Color: Select a font color for the application.

Button Background: Set a background color for buttons.

Button Width: Set a fixed width for control buttons.

Button Height: Set a fixed height for control buttons.

Max Fontsize: Choose a max font size for dynamic font size of menu buttons.

Button Corner Radius: Set a buttons corner radius.

Button Space: Set a fixed space between buttons.

The "Toolbox" menu item enables you to configure which buttons of the context menu in the bottom right corner should be displayed:

Exit: Show the "Exit" button in the context menu

Windwos Reboot: Restart the OS when clicking "Exit"

Support: Should the support button be shown in the context menu? On click it sends an automated support request to Dialogic Systems.

Cleaning L..:Should the cleaning button, which disables touchscreen inputs for a short tme, be shown in the menu.

Setting Password: Should a passwort protection for the settings menu be applied.

Toolbox Auto Hide: This input defines the time until the context menu automatically disappears.

The menu item "Navigation" provides configuration options for the buttons in the bottom navigation bar.
Choose an existing button to edit it or choose the "+" option to add a new button to the navigation bar.

The menu item "General" (de-)activates basic functions of the HC-Navigation application:

  • Autostart: Choose this option to automatically start the HC-Navigation software upon PC startup.
  • Embedded mode:
  • Keyboard Button: Activates the button in the bottom left corner which opens the touch keyboard.
  • UDP Control: Enables the application to send and receive UDP telegrams.
  • Logging: Activates logging of the actions made inside the application.
  • Activity Control:

Click the "+" icon in order to create a new button in the navigation bar.

Choose a name for the newly created button.

After that, click the orange higlighted gearwheel button to choose an application that should be opened when clicking the button and proceed with the next step.

The following popup appears:

Click "Auto setting" (as higlighted in orange) to let the HC-Navigation automatically save the configuration of height, width and display mode of the added application. These options can also be customized manually later on.

Now, this transparent popup should appear.
You can now open the desired application.

Once the desired application is started, click on a surface of the application.

Adjust height and width for your' individual needs. Keep in mind that there will be the navigation bar consealing the lower 40 pixels of the screen (automatic disappearing of the navigation bar can be set in the options).

Pay attention to the data displayed in the transparent window. Data like "Fenster Titel" and "Program Path" should be consistent with the path and window name of the desired application.

Confirm your' configuration by clicking the green checkmark.

After confirmation, the desired application will be restarted with the applied parameters. Hopefully the application is displayed the way you intended it.

If yes, click the green checkmark.

Otherwise press the red X and redo the last step.

After establishing a correct application start, the button can be customized with following options:

  • Password: Configure a passcode which is needed to open the application.
  • Picture: Choose a picture that should be displayed on the button instead of text
  • Network: Configure whether the application should be able to send/receive UDP telegrams via network.
  • Foreground App: After some time of inactivity, the hc-navigation can switch back to a set foreground app.
  • Navi AutoHide: The navigation bar in the bottom automatically disappears upon start of this program.

Open the window to be modified and see changes in real time by clicking the "Live" button in the settings menu.

In this example you can see how changes affect an embedded browser window which is configured to be slightly smaller than the actual screen resolution.

Use the Position X / Y fields to move the top right corner by the respective
number of pixels. (orange dashed line)

Through the fields Border left / right / top / bottom, a bar in the color that is specified in the navigation as Background Color is drawn by the corresponding number of pixels from the respective side to the center of the image.

Window Position / Size:

X-Translation of the window position

Change the horizontal window postition by clicking "+", "-" or
type a value in the "Window Position / Size" menu.

Window Position / Size:

Y-Translation of the window position

Change the vertical window postition by clicking "+", "-" or
type a value in the "Window Position / Size" menu.

Window Position / Size:

Configure the size of the displayed window by either clicking
the "+" and "-" buttons or enter a value into the text area.

Set Border:

By clicking the "Set Border" button, borders will automatically
appear on all sides of the application. These can be
adjusted manually if needed.

Border Top / Bottom:

With the inputs at the "Border" menu, you can manually
pull borders in from the outer screen borders. All changes
will be displayed live. When configuring the borders, their color
will be set with a slight transparency, so you get a better
visualisation of cut off content.

Border Left / Right:

With the inputs at the "Border" menu, you can manually
pull borders in from the outer screen borders. All changes
will be displayed live. When configuring the borders, their color
will be set with a slight transparency, so you get a better

visualisation of cut off content.

  • No labels