
The lastest version of the HC-SIPphone is available here: HC-SIPphone


The application is installed by the Setup-Wizard. Please follow the instructions in order to make sure the installation can be processed without complications.


Upon a regular start from the Windows start menu or via desktop shortcut, the application starts with it's regular settings menu:

In case the configuration of the settings is already finished, you can disable the settings UI by starting the application with the argument of "-hide".
The application will be shown in the hidden icons in the task bar. While the SIPphone established a stable connection to the client, the shown icon will be green,
otherwise it will appear red. You can still open the settings UI by clicking the green/red circle.
In case you want to close the SIPphone application, right click the icon and choose "quit".

General settings

auto start: automatically starts HC-SIPphone with the computer

mute other applications: upon incoming calls, the audio output of other applications is muted

video support: enables video capability. further settings in "SIP settings>Video"

screen auto on: wakes the touchpanel up from screensaver upon an incoming call

Password settings

In case you want to secure the SIPphone settings with a password, click this button to create/change/remove it.

Dial tone settings

Select the output speaker and the ringtone file here.
It's also possible to limit playtime and volume

UDP settings

Use these to configure UDP sending and receiving IP and ports.

For UDP communication between different applications within the system choose "" as the adapter.

In case you want to sent UDP telegrams between different network participants, choose the IP of a physical network adapter.

SIP account settings

🔘 Registration to PBX

Use these input fields to establish IP connection to the door intercom.
Therefore, enter the intercom's parameters into the respective fields.

The optional settings on the right side are to be filled out only if needed.

SIP account settings

🔘 Peer to peer

Select peer to peer for establishing a connection between two clients
without a SIP intercom.

Enter the required information into all of the input fields.

Note: In this mode, the IP-address of the called device has to be part
of the SIP-String.

Audio settings

Use the audio settings to set up the in- and output volume.

Choose audio improvement measures in the "voice optimization" area.

Select the used speech codec and DTMF setting fitting to your' intercom

Video settings

If you do not see the "Video"-tab in the header menu, check the box
"Video support" in the SIP Account settings.

Now you can configure video settings suiting your' preferences.

Test / Debug

Open the "Test / Debug"-tab in the header menu in order to receive information about SIP network activities.

Use this tool to check on SIP telegram connections and it's functionality. 

Test / Debug

With the dial input, SIP connections can be established manually for testing and proving functionality of the devices.

You can also use the speaker and microphone sliders to optimize input and output volume for better sound quality.

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